Purpose of the Leaders For London Leadership Development Programme

To support leadership succession planning in London:

  1. To develop, nurture and inspire London’s talent pool of potential leaders of children’s and other services.
  2. To develop talented and prepared potential leaders for roles and posts as they become available building personal, professional and leadership capacity and capability working as “system leaders, change makers and professional champions"
  3. To create  a leadership community to learn, share, resource and support each other’s work
  4. To create a common language and culture for leadership which uses coaching approaches and common understandings to create supporting organisations and networks across London

Guiding Principles

  1. Equal Opportunities with openness, transparency and fairness
  2. Strict privacy and confidentiality are agreed between all participants
  3. Personalised and tailored programmes based on clearly articulated learning plans and learning contracts to measure impact and effectiveness with due regard to confidentiality
  4. Creating genuine learning partnerships between all parties; and joining people with where they are on their own leadership journeys
  5. About development not performance management; and taking personal responsibility for own personal and leadership journey
  6. Programme is not “an add on” but integrated into day to day work as learning is applied and tested back at the workplace

Leaders for London is an advanced leadership development programme for ambitious and talented professionals with the talent to take a step up to a more senior director level post.

The programme provides group coaching and individual development opportunities for established and  emerging leaders from local authorities, health, police, youth, probation, voluntary and third sector and GLA. Nominations are open to all  London’s 33 Councils - as well participants from outside London and independent consultants are also welcome to apply. Nominations are usually made by the Director of Children’s or Adult  Services, Directors of Public health, chief executives or senior line managers, Typically roles might include Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors and Heads of Service across all types of provision.

The programme  offers leaders the insights, skills, knowledge, resources and networks necessary to help them to enrich and develop their leadership capacities and capabilities - as well as the skills and confidence to apply for promotion.
The programme is championed through the Association of London Directors of Children s Services and supported by London Councils
 Jackie Harrop is the Programme Director and is an ILM accredited executive coach and mentor, supported by a team of coaches , most of whom are currently working in London Boroughs or have previous director level experience in London.
Applications to Jackieharrop1@gmail.com. by June 21st 2024. Places will be confirmed by Jackie Harrop in July for the final Cohort which will start in the Autumn 2024 and will finish in July 2025.